Title: Scout Down Author: kainoliero Claim: Iceland Character(s): Iceland, Finland, Norway Table/Prompt: Genre/ 7. Action Word Count: 2867 Rating: G Summary: Teenagers will always be idiots and then you'll have to go after them and try to save them, even if it almost kills you. This is the last part of this chapter fic that happens in the present for now -
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Title: No Return Author: kainoliero Claim: Iceland Character(s): Iceland, Finland, Norway Table/Prompt: Genre/ 13. Tragedy Word Count: 1642 Rating: G Summary: What became of Finland when he found out Sweden was gone.
Title: Birds of a Feather Author: kainoliero Claim: Iceland Character(s): Iceland, Finland Table/Prompt: Genre/ 4. School Word Count: 1775 Rating: G Summary: Life on the school ship where people learn to fly.
Title: Conditions of Becoming a Scout Author: kainoliero Claim: Iceland Character(s): Iceland Table/Prompt: Genre/ 19. Edutainment Word Count: 1879 Rating: G Summary: Many questions about navigating the cloud layers, many answers.
Title: On Heavy Shoulders Author: kainoliero Claim: Iceland Character(s): Iceland/Norway, Denmark, Finland and Sweden get a mention Table/Prompt: Genre/ 14. Family Word Count: 1445 Rating: G Summary: With not a safe haven in sight and all of the nearby worlds fallen through the clouds, can some of the rules on board be stretched a little?
Title: A Promise for a Future Author: kainoliero Claim: Iceland Character(s): Iceland Table/Prompt: Genre/ 2. Fantasy Word Count: 1991 Rating: G Summary: Where did the floating worlds come from?
Title: The End Author: kainoliero Claim: Iceland Character(s): Iceland, Norway, Finland, mentions of Denmark and Sweden Table/Prompt: Genre/ 1. SciFi Word Count: 1749 Rating: G Summary: As the worlds begin to fall through clouds the survivors on one of them are facing a long side voyage without even knowing if they'll ever find another world again. WARNING:
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Title: Solace Characters: Germany, Fem!Austria Challenge: Challenge 14: Family Bonus Words: loud, quiet, hug, poke Rating: G Summary: In the aftermath of WWII, Germany finds a small measure of comfort in Austria’s presence…
Title: Hello, Goodbye Author: kainoliero Claim: Finland Character(s): All Nordics Table/Prompt: Food/ 15. Barbecue Word Count: 205 Rating: G Summary: A small meeting of the five in late August.
Title: Do You Want to Know a Secret Author: kainoliero Claim: Finland Character(s): Finland, Sweden Table/Prompt: Food/ 16. Thirst Word Count: 413 Rating: G Summary: Just
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